On BB Holiday you can choose your preferite lodging tipology on five categories, devided in regions, provinces and localities. It is possible to choose between the most important Italian cities, in typical villages, hills, seaside, mountains.
All information regarding accommodation and graphic and photographic images have been provided directly by the same structures. BB Holiday, therefore, can not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information, nor can 'be liable for damage caused directly or indirectly to persons or property resulting from the use including incidental and consequential, as well as possible copyright violations with the materials.
Reservation requests and rent an accommodation represent a private agreement between you and structure and is completely outside of any involvement in BB Holiday.
BB Holiday assumes no liability for any consequential damages diguidi and reservations are not met by the structures, nor the cancellation of the same from users.
However we accept willingly any disruption reported received during your stay in a structure chosen from among those present in BB Holiday. This will help us, if necessary, to select or remove those who do not even offer proper hospitality.
BB Holiday graphic material, images and software are the property of BB and Holiday Companies, which holds the rights under existing copyright law and copyright.
It 'may not even partially duplicate content in any form by eletttronici systems, analog, digital printing, etc., without permission from BB Holiday.
Privacy Law 196/03
BB Holiday is in line with existing law 196/03 on Privacy.
Privacy for users
Requests for information, reservations and / or any contact between the user and automatically excludes BB Holiday accommodation facilities from any any involvement and assumes no liability both in terms of legge196/03 the protection of personal data, both for disputes.
In accordance with the provisions of Law 196/03 on the protection of personal data the user communicate freely their personal data will be recorded on electronic media, protected and treated as completely confidential for the purposes described above. The data will not be disclosed to third parties.
The Head of the personal data sent via the information request form and / or reservations, will be solely and exclusively to the Company or Firm or individual receiving the communication.
The rights may be exercised for updating, modification and deletion of data, are those of article 7 of legislative decree 196/03. For changes, updates and / or deletion of your e-mail and / or your personal information you should contact e-mail address of your communication.
However, any case of dispute with accommodation please keep us informed users using the e-mail to BB Holiday info@bbholiday.com
For more information on the rules we refer to the Privacy Protection website http://www.garanteprivacy.it